OCBC Frank sought to engage Gen Z and encourage sign-ups for their first debit card by showcasing the wide variety of card designs available. The campaign needed to resonate with the audience’s desire for self-expression and individuality, aligning with the tagline "For Real, For Real," a popular Gen Z slang term.
The Insight
Gen Z values authenticity and self-expression, often seeking products that reflect their unique personalities. With OCBC Frank’s diverse range of card designs, the campaign provided an opportunity to position the debit card as a canvas for individuality, empowering Gen Z to be real and true to themselves.
The Idea
The campaign embraced a playful and creative video concept using stop-motion animation to bring the card designs to life. Each design was showcased in a vibrant and imaginative way, turning everyday objects into unexpected and quirky elements to highlight the individuality of the cards.

Creative Agency: Section
Creative Director: Poh Wee Koon
Senior Art Director: Clara Chow
Copywriter: Rachel Zavior
Account Servicing: Amaryllis Ong
Head of Production: Roy Lin
Producer: Ang Zheng Xiang
Director of Photography: Alvin Choon